zombie horror fiction

The Zombie Apocalypse Orchard

“Turn left, here!” Jared says.

I pull a sharp left turn onto a dirt road that leads into the orchard.

“Give me more of a warning next time,” I snap.

“Sorry! It’s been a while since I’ve been this way.”

“What next?” I tersely ask.

“It’s a straight drive to the orchard. Once we get there we’ll park the car behind the barn and then go into the trees, so we can ambush the people following us.”

The Zombie Apocalypse Aquarium

“I have an idea on where we can get some additional food sources,” Jared says. He’s been worrying today about our food situation, because the simple reality is we can’t go to the grocery store much longer before the food there will go bad.

What’s your idea?” I ask.

“I think we should visit the aquarium. I know we don’t want to do anymore road trips, but the simple fact is we need to additional sources of food that we can take care of, and also use.”

The Zombie Apocalypse Light Show

I’ve been soaking my achy body in a hot bath for the last half hour. Jared had it ready for me when I finally got out of the car, which makes me feel guilty for snapping at him, but also grateful that he was so thoughtful. I hear a soft knock on the door.

“Come in, Jared.”

Jared opens the door of the bathroom.

“Hey Sue. I hope you’re feeling better.”

The Zombie Apocalypse Bull

We’re driving back from our adventure to the gun store and I’m looking forward to getting home, getting the ammo unpacked and then hopefully taking a hot bath. All this fighting of zombies makes for achy muscles.

“Sue?” Jared urgently says.

“What?” I absently minded ask.

“Look over there, to your left.”

The Zombie Apocalypse Flower Shop

“I think we should go into town today!” Jared announces.

“Do you think there’s a town left?” I ask.

He gets an irritated look on his face. He hates when I question him like this.

“Of course, there’s still a town left. Why wouldn’t there be a town left?”

The Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is now available for pre-orders



Sam thinks his job at the Zombie Apocalypse Call Center is a joke.

Zombies aren’t real and the customers who call in for support about their guns and conspiracy theories are crazy!

Sam knows the Zombie Apocalypse will never happen.

Until one day the Zombie Apocalypse does happen…

Now Sam and his fellow analysts have to figure out how the zombie apocalypse started and how to cure the zombies, while also keeping the customers alive and well-stocked with ammo.

On top of that Sam is juggling potential romances with two of his co-workers, Michelle and Ember. His manager Ben is micro-managing him about his call stats and customer happiness, and he has to defend the call center from invading zombies.

Will Sam discover the cause of the zombies?

Will he get his manager off his back?

Will he find love?

Will he survive the zombie apocalypse?

You’ll be kept in suspense by the dystopic action and adventure of the zombie apocalypse.

Get it now.